Tuesday, May 26, 2009

**Entry Level Marketing and Sales Professionals Wanted** (san jose west)

Reply to:job-bqrzg-1186492399@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-24, 9:00AM PDT

Unified Marketing Systems, Inc. is a sales and marketing firm that performs sales and client acquisition for Fortune 500 companies.

Our teams of creative professionals are trained to represent our clients with a personalized, direct approach. Our results have created a high demand for our services, thus we are expanding locally and nationally, and plan to open new locations in San Jose, Berkley, and San Francisco.

Our mission is to create an environment conducive to personal and professional growth, which will result in happier employees, customers, and clients, and will allow our employees to grow as big as their dreams allow.

We are interviewing for entry level positions, all of which have the potential for advancement. The best candidates will possess:

• Enthusiasm
• Strong work ethic
• Competitive nature
• Willingness to learn

Our employees are cross-trained in a variety of business skills including:

• Sales and marketing
• Communication
• Leadership
• Management

If you feel you meet this description please cut and paste your resume (no attachments please) to info@unifiedms.com

Posted By: Quinn Vandenberg


k a t e said...

Hey guys, I looked around at this posting. The post is a scam. The company doesn't exist.

- k a t e

Anonymous said...

Kate can you give us more detail, my fiancee went on an interview there today.

Anonymous said...

How did that interview? I have an interview with the same company on Monday.