Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Conde Nast--Lucky Magazine (New York)

Lucky Magazine Public Relations Intern
Looking for candidates who can receive school credit, who have 3 available days per week, and who are able to start around January 9th. This is an unpaid internship which includes a 2 payment stipend.

Duties will include:

Gathering and creating press clip packets to keep team updated on industry events

Updating department media lists to become familiar with press contacts, major markets and outlets

Track and compile press for various events, issues, and news

Learn to calculate media impressions for print, broadcast, and online press hits reflected in these recaps

Broaden knowledge of the function and growing role that online news sites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. play in public relations.

Assist in writing and editing press releases and segment scripts

Assisting in gathering props for and staffing TV segments

Working with the rights and permissions department to clear photos and stories for use by media

Maintaining and updating the organization of PR’s supplies (including DVDs, clips, etc)

Assisting at on-site working events and press interviews/TV segments

Please send all resumes to Mary_Whitlock@condenast.com with a short email that includes availability.

Send Resumes to: mary_whitlock@condenast.com

Posted By Emily Bonsignore

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